Seeking Counsel: An Expert Panel in Mental Health Shares Wisdom

Considering seeking counseling or therapy and wondering how to go about it? IAMAdoptee reached out to three therapists to help you navigate the process of finding someone for you.  This article was originally published as a February 2020 blog post by Katie Bozek, Ph.D., LMFT for the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network (KAAN). It […]

Be Well: Adoptees Coping with COVID 19

Wellness and being adopted IAMAdoptee reached out to a group of mental health professionals to help us think about ways being adopted might particularly impact our well-being during this COVID19 pandemic.  Even as restrictions are starting to lift in various regions of the world, the emotional impact lingers in ways we have yet to anticipate.  […]

COVID 19 and the Intercountry Adoptee Community: Ann McKinnon

Living within a worldwide pandemic, intercountry adoptees, like everyone else have been deeply impacted. From small business owners who have had to close their brick and mortar stores, to adoptees living in worry about how they will pay next month’s rent to fun ways to connect with other adoptees to make the day pass with […]