Part 3 with Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker and IAMAdoptee contributing editor, Emma Click to read Parts I & II Q: Can you lend your expertise on a few scenarios that might be particular to the international adoptee community as it pertains to attachment and family? Scenario 1: There are a lot of college students, young adult adoptees, […]
Part 2 with Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker and IAMAdoptee contributing editor, Emma Click here to read Part I Q: How does this current health pandemic have the potential to exacerbate a lack of or strengthen our sense of community and belonging? Chaitra: I feel like this is kind of the same as all of the other […]
Q&A with Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker and IAMAdoptee contributing editor, Emma Q: COVID-19 might trigger some latent issues for adoptees in particular, for example with challenges surrounding food and food scarcity. People are posting all over social media about grocery shopping, being stocked, or having anxiety of not having enough. Some are making grand elaborate meals. Others […]
Wellness and being adopted IAMAdoptee reached out to a group of mental health professionals to help us think about ways being adopted might particularly impact our well-being during this COVID19 pandemic. Even as restrictions are starting to lift in various regions of the world, the emotional impact lingers in ways we have yet to anticipate. […]
Living within a worldwide pandemic, intercountry adoptees, like everyone else have been deeply impacted. From small business owners who have had to close their brick and mortar stores, to adoptees living in worry about how they will pay next month’s rent to fun ways to connect with other adoptees to make the day pass with […]